Friday, May 30, 2008


Are they all over the place or what??? Okay maybe I should clarify myself, I'm not talking flying helicopters well actually they do fly. You know all those ones that are on your maple trees, well this year there are a zillion in our yard. The grass is covered, the sidewalks are covered and the eaves are overflowing with them. I never ever remember having this many in the yard or in the trees.

So how many of you have them flying around your house? I might just have to take a picutre to show you the yard, it looks like it snowed helicopters. What is the real name for these things? Anyone know?


Jen said...

We don't have the helicopters - our tree just drops the yellow fuzzy-looking things - but I think they're properly just called the maple tree seeds. I like "helicopters" better, don't you?

Jayne said...

Yup, they are EVERYWHERE!!!I've read on a message board that the maples are producing more helicopter seeds this year due to the snowy winter. It seems to be true as we had a very snowy winter!

Jeanne said...

Hmm I just called them wirrly gigs when I was a kid. We had a ton of them. I've seen quite a few but don't think to the extent you have, maybe we have some different variety of maples.

Picture This said...

WE call them helicopters too. the kids used to love gathering up as many as they could and then toss them from the highest point to watch them go. ours haven't dropeed yet....Spring is still arriving here....grrr.

Valeri said...

My kids LOVE those! They pick them up and throw them back down over and over. It is so funny!

Suzanna said...

Yes, I don't remember having SO many last year!! They are driving me NUTS! My yard is full of them, and they aren't easy to rake up. They ruined my landscaping because I laid my mulch down early this year (before Mother's Day) and they are all over it, and I am NOT picking them out of there!

Rita said...

I'm sending my kids to your house -- those helicopters would keep them occupied for hours (the two younger ones anyway). So if they show up on your doorstep -- you'll know why! ;)