Friday, December 28, 2007

Happy New Year

It is going to be a white New Years as it has been snowing for the last several hours. It is a nice fluffy snow and yes it is pretty, but since we had a green Christmas we can have a green rest of the winter.

Happy New Year to all my friends and family. I hope the new year brings you much success and happiness. Are you making any resolutions??

Mine will be do more layouts, use my supplies and must ad eat healthier.

AHHHHH I'm off work until Wednesday, just doing lots of things around the house and working at my scrap table. Then the nightmare begins, I will be moving one of my stores, opening a new one and toss in a few inventories. All this in the month of January. But I will still be around.

Have a Happy and Safe New Year.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

It's almost time

I have been a bad blogger! This year has been crazy at work. I have everything ready for the holidays this year, all the wrapping, shopping and cards are all done. Thanks to my sister she is doing the grocery shopping and the dinner.

But this is not a good time to move a store and open a new one. I know its the job I chose so no dwelling on it, its suppose to be a happy holiday season.


Just not sure how to say it anymore some say you have to be politically correct. but to me I still like to say MERRY CHRISTMAS.

Enjoy the time with your family and friends and take lots of photos.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

How much do you wonder?

Today at work we were talking about our wonders.
Do you wonder if your day is going to be a good one? I sometimes think about this on my way to work and I just hope it is going to be an easy day.
Do you wonder where you will be in 1o yrs. Heck I wonder where I'm going to be in 5 years LOL
Do you wonder how much snow we are going to receive. I have no wonders about this, its Michigan.
Do you wonder why people don't answer you, whether is a phone call, email or a letter. I quit wondering on this one. I know my true friends always answer me.
Do you wonder what changes people attitudes? I believe this one has many reasons, the have been always been fake and you never realized it, they think they found a better friend and they always keep moving on to others and constantly leaving great friends behind.
Do you wonder if you will be in the same job until you retire? I'm not sure on this one, I like my job, the pay is great, the benefits are great but if something comes my way I would have to think about if I would want to make a change.
They say the average person wonders about 6 to 10 things a day.

I guess I never thought I wondered that much, I guess I would say I thought about many things each day so am I a wonder er or not???
I think this is a question I may never really have the answer for. So is a thought and a wonder the same thing?

Enough wondering.............

This week while you are out and about do something nice for some one. It can be something very easy like opening a door for someone, ask if they need help reaching something. Tis the season and you can make a difference just doing something minor for someone. Post what you have done.

So far this week I have given someone a 40% off coupon I did not use. She looked happy to receive it. I was leaving a store and did not need the coupon and she was just going in the door and I asked her if she wanted a coupon.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

O what a feeling.....

AAAHHHH I only have stocking stuffers to get! And yes I'm all wrapped. It took me over 3 hours last night but every gift is wrapped. It sure is a great feeling, cause normally I'm a last minute shopper.

Don't get me wrong I probably will be out there the next two Sundays, checking out the bargins. I have to shop for me too!

Hummm think the only item I want to make/bake this year is chex mix, I love it spicy. There is not baking of Christmas Cookies this year. We do not need them!
Feels kind of weird not having any but I'm fine with it.

Work has been good the last week lets hope it stays that way through the Holidays. Come January we have to pack up one of my stores and move it. UGH but she gets a nice new store.

Hope you all get you shopping, wrapping and baking done soon. Take some time and enjoy the holiday.

Is there one gift you are just hoping to receive? Not me this year, I'm just going with the flow and I'm sure dh did some pretty good shopping this year. Mainly since I cut the items I want out of the paper, gave him some directions as to where to find the items in the store and even gave him some coupons.

Chat later.....

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Geez how come the older I get the colder I feel? It is not that freaking cold, its been 20 to 35 and to me it feels like below zero. LOL

Well guess what I have one more present to get and a few stocking stuffers and that is it. I need help with my last gift and if you think you would want to help shoot me an email. LOL I can not post what I'm looking for because this person lurks everywhere!!! And now I'm so determined to find this item because everyone says I can not.

Work has been better, just lots of colds, flu and sinus infections going around. But since it is getting so close to Christmas, employees are wanting to pick up the extra hours. They need to now because after the holidays it will slow down and the hours will most likely be cut.
I know its just not our stores but every where I go it does not seem busy, I think people are really cutting back this year. With the higher heating bills, gas prices and the factory layoffs how can you not cut back.

Last night I did a good deed, a friends daughter had to decorate a stocking for her to hang in her kindergarten class and she want to come use my supplies. She says I have lots of stuff and she is so telling the truth. So we used paint, foam stamps, glitter and some gems boy was she happy when she left. And she did all the stamping herself. Her mom says when she gets her next school project she will be wanting to come back over. How cute.

Off to read and get ready for some good TV.

Monday, December 3, 2007

hello out there

All I can say is I have been busy busy busy. Work has been busy, home has been busy. So much good and bad happened this week, I don't want to be depressing anyone, so I'm not posting any sad or stressful news.

I have started and almost finished my Christmas shopping!!! The house is deocrated!!! Christmas Cards are made, written and mailed!!! So I'm on the ball this year and now just need to get to the wrapping. I do have to do some stocking stuffers and a couple little things. They will be done this week, then I can sit and enjoy the nights.

So how are you doing with your shopping???

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Black weekend.

So how was your Thanksgiving? I hope it was spent with family and friends. We went to some friends house and all I had to take was a ham cheese ball and crackers, I got off easy. So my day was spent relaxing, eating, relaxing, playing games, relaxing and more relaxing LOL

Well can you guess what I did this weekend??? Yep I worked actually I still have to work tomorrow. The parking lots were full, but the stores were not super busy. We had good sales on Friday, but today was slow.
I did run into Wally world for some personal items, tins and some candy and walked right up to the check out no long lines. They were not busy at all. Nothing in those ads caught my eye or called out my name.
Every year when the new PS2 games come out DH always wants one that is hard to find. I lucked out this year, since he already told me which one he would like I got it asap. How well let me tell you, we opened a new store in Rochester and the only stores in the plaza that are open are us, GNC and Game Stop. So my manager walked into game stop about an hour after they got the game in she had her hot little hands on it for me. Thanks Rita.

Have a super week.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Just a message today.



Saturday, November 17, 2007

Another great weekend!

I know the weekend is not over yet, but so far it has been a great one.
I went to a Bazaar today and had a super time, I bought snowmen!! And I know you all guessed that's what I would buy LOL. I bought a very cute snowman stocking hanger that stands on the floor, it hold five stockings. Oh and I also got the cutest snowman briefcase. It is an old case that I would have thrown out or put in a rummage sale for a buck. But not this crafter they painted a very nice snowman scene on it. And I will not tell you what I paid for it. You would faint. I can not believe I spent money for it I could have painted it!!

Also Jayne and I took my 79 yr old Shirley with us, she had the best time, we then took her to JCPenney so she could get herself a few things and she needed to get a gift. Then we went to lunch and took her home, I know she was getting tired but its hard to drop her off and leave, she Thanked us over and over again.

After bringing our goodies home Jayne and I went to the grocery store. EEEK it was a mad house. But at least we do not have to go back to the store until next week.

Tomorrow after the yard work it done, I'm hauling out all the snowmen I have. The poor buggers have been packed away since January. I know they are just calling my name and want out of those totes. I might just count them this year and have a contest to see who can get how many I have. I know it is a lot.

One sad note to report, on the way to the mall from the bazaar, we had seed a terrible accident. Three cars were involved along with the jaws of life. There were car parts scattered every where, I need to watch the news and I'm hoping everyone survived.

one last note, hug someone today and tell them you love them.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Gosh it has been a while

So what the heck should we chat about today? Sometimes I don't know why I blog, it seems like I got to work, come home, have dinner, play on the computer and if I'm in the mood I may create something. I'm a boring homebody.

The holiday's are creeping up on us quite quickly. The last few years we went out to eat, (because the family is so busy with in laws or working) and we gambled a whopping 20 bucks at the casino. This year we have a change of plans and we are going to a friends house for dinner. I'm sure it will be fun and there will only be 5 of us so do you think I can wear my leisure outfit? That's what I planned on staying in all day if I was to be cooking at home LOL. I hope to play some cards....hint hint if you are reading.

Are you going shopping the day after? I of course have to work but then I few times I went in later and stayed late so I could get a few things. It is hard working retail during the holidays when all the sales are out there. And the week after Thanksgiving we have to go to a 5 1/2 work days. UGH I'm not really complaining cause I have always been in retail and I just don't see myself doing any other job.

The weather has been up and down must be that global warming stuff????
Trees are almost bare but the snow can hold off for quite a while, I'm not ready for it.

Since it is Thanksgiving let's say what we are really Thankful for. Me.....I'm Thankful I have a job, I'm healthy, and I have family around me.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

What a good week/weekend

I normally complain about work etc....but not this time. I'll leave a nice post LOL.
Well we had tons of trick or treats, close to 200, big, small, tall, short, cute costumes and even no costumes. It was nice to see the little ones enjoying themselves. Our Lucky and Barq's were greeting the kiddies also and it sure tuckered them out.
I had the weekend off and really enjoyed it. We took a road trip to Archivers and I had a small spending spree. They have so much more than we have around here. (something is going on with our LSS, it is really empty) After scrap shopping we went to a market called Papa Joe's. I love markets, they had the best fruit, salsa, brats etc. OH and I bought some delicious bread that had olive oil and seasonings right in the bread, it was so good. On the way to Papa Joe's we saw Linda's new Art Studio called the Loov. Once we were done with the market and putting the cold items on ice, we headed to the Rain Forest Cafe for dinner. We had to go there because I won some gift certificates from work. Had some yummy food.
Now today I just played at my scrap table, I needed to get some prizes and Raks out. I can now say they just need to get to the post office tomorrow. Jayne and I went to the LSS since I had a full punch card to turn in. I only bought two things some Doodle bug glitter and a new cute flowered mat.

The weather was sunny but a little chilly, just needed a long sleeve shirt for my great weekend. So now its off to work tomorrow and the start of a new week. At least we did get an extra hour out of the weekend.

Friday, October 26, 2007

I have been tagged not once but twice LOL Thanks to Rita and here it goes

Here are the rules which must be posted on your blog if you are tagged.1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.2. Share 7 facts about yourself: some random, some weird.3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).4. Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.

Hummm 7 facts about me...
1. I hate mice - I mean I really hate mice!! And Nylons
2. I'm an anal organizer - My check book must balance to the penny - if not I will take hours to find the error
3. I have an identity freckle on my foot
4. I'm from a divorced family - my parents divorced when I was going into 10th grade
5. I love lemons - I slice and salt them and eat them!
6. My husband is 7 years younger than me
7. My pillow must be cold when I go to bed

I'm tagging....Amber, Carolyn, Becky, Suzy, Margo, Mel, Valeri I will try to link them if not they are off to ther side LOL

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Gosh where have I been???

Work has me running in circles, Meetings, New Store opens Monday, Business Trip to Texas, Inventories and now to get all the Christmas displays up! That is why I have been such a bad blogger. The beginning of November everything should be in place and I can take it easy.

Wow today is was in the upper 70's, what a beautiful day to be outside. And I was, we took a ride to take some fall photos, stopped for lunch and then went to get me a pumpkin! Yes I got me a pumpkin, I love Halloween and I will be carving my pumpkin. I guess it is the kid in me. I usually go for the nice round pumpkin but today it was time for a change. I bought me a tall pumpkin. Now I just need to decide on what type of face it needs.

When I went to my crop a few weeks ago I actually created. I did 50 Christmas Cards! Now just need to do a couple more and then I will be actually doing some layouts. I'm so far behind. But then again if I was caught up I would have nothing to work on.

So all you lurkers, leave me a comment and let me know what is going on is your world! Creating? Planning the holidays?

Have a super week.

Monday, October 8, 2007

It is amazing....

The weather here is so warm, we have been breaking records with high temps. Last time it was this warm was back in 1916. I'm talking it is October and it is in the 90's! They do say the end of this week will be in low 60's/upper 50's. The leaves are changing and falling already.

Oh and it is just about time to get the pumpkins and visit the pumpkin farms and walk the maze. Yearly it is a family affair with the niece's and nephews. They love the farm, I think it brings out the kid in all of us. We hide in the corn stalks and scare the kids. LOL

I'm packed and ready for Texas, I leave early Wednesday morning and will be back late Sunday night. Monday I need to get my meeting done, which I present on Tuesday, then the rest of the week I will be getting the new store to open.

Has anyone else notice all the dark fall colors on the clothing? I went looking around the other day, didn't have anything in mind to buy but I didn't see anything I liked. Lots of browns and blacks with deep red. I liked last year with the teals, oranges, pinks and golds with brown. This year is all looks depressing.

Well enough for now, I promise I will catch up on all my blog buddies when I get back, I'm not ignoring anyone I promise.

Have a super week and enjoy the last of the warm days.

Monday, October 1, 2007

I'm still here.......

Sorry I have been MIA for a little over a week. It has just been crazy and I will not be slowing down anytime soon.

They changed my district a little, I lost one store and gained two more. Within the month of October I have two inventories, a new store opening, I have meetings in Texas for 5 days, I signed up for a crop and I have two meetings. So every night I have been busy making copies, organizing my meeting and trying to get all my notes in order and typed out.
Oh then we get into the holiday season. All this while trying to was my new TV shows. LOL

So far I'm into Dancing with the Stars, Desperate Housewives, Survivor and my favorite Brothers and Sisters.
So what are you all watching?

And I'm loving this weather, nice and cool for sleeping and not too cool during the day. The leaves are already changing here. I hope to take a drive Sunday and snap some photos. It won't be long we will be bagging up tons of leaves.

Well I chatted enough hope you all have a wonderful week.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Do it for yourself and your loved ones......

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and I'm asking you to make that call to your doctor and get your mammogram done! I know its not October yet, but it will be here in a few days. This past summer I received news that someone I have know for quite a few years had a double mastectomy, she waited to long to go to the doctor and she is in her late 40's with 3 children. (and she works in the emergency room at the hospital) Her mother in law also had one two years ago, but never went to the doctor for regular check ups. He husband also died of cancer.

Now I recently was told about someone else I have known for 20 years has cancer. It is such a terrible disease.

So please just take a moment make that call, get your mammogram, get a checkup and also make your loved one go to. Life is just to short, you never know what tomorrow will bring.

Lots of love to all and have a super week.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Such a nice warm beautiful day....

Yep we set a record temp today, it reached 90! That is a pretty warm day for fall. No need to worry the temps are dropping big time this week.

I had another busy week, I was on vacation and actually did some me things. Went shopping, hung out with dh, went to the Ren Festival and visited an old friend.

But I must get back on track with my weight watchers, I had a horrible weekend of eating. Not junk food mind you I'm talking just regular food. I have not cooked since Thursday. Yep I said Thursday. On Friday dh took me to Subway for lunch, for dinner I took a friend to Olive Garden. Saturday we ate at the Ren Festival and when we got home no one wanted to cook so off to Micky D's. Oh yeah then there is Sunday I had a can of soup for lunch and then Jayne bought the house rib dinners. Thank goodnees dh cooked a nice low calorie dinner today.

Well off to check the TV schedule, need to see what time all my new shows start.
Have a super week.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Well well where have I been?

First it has been so crazy at work, busy busy busy. And now the Christmas (yep I said Christmas) season is creeping up on us and I'll be running around like crazy at work and home to get everything done.

This past week was a bit stressful, I planned, I hid, I cooked and threw my sister a 50th birthday party. It was a great success, she was totally surprised. Do you all know how hard it is throwing a surprise party for someone you live with. UGH...but I'm glad it is all over. Hehehehe I put 50 pink flamingo's in our front yard with balloons.

This week I'm on a well deserved vacation, just hanging at home doing some me things and just enjoying the time off.

I'm liking the cooler temps, the smell of fall and the crispness is the air. I really like fall.

We are expecting a new family memeber, my niece Brandy is pregnant. She has her first ultrasound soon, she don't want to know the sex of the baby, but her dh, mom and everyone else does. I don't think I would want to know. I like surprises. How do you feel? Would you want to know?

Well enough rambling from me. Off to do something creative.
Have a super week.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Take a few moments today and say a prayer for the 9/11 families. They have been suffering so much the last six years.

I clearly remember where I was. I was working in our Burton store when the radio started announcing all the news. One of the girls ran home quickly and brought in a small TV so we could see what was happening. I was so sadden by what I was seeing, it gave me chills. I could never imagine being in such a disaster.
Today just brings tears. Lots of THANKS to all the police and firemen we have in this world.
Off for now, have a great day/night.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Man I have been tagged

1. YOUR ROCK STAR NAME: (first pet & current car) Kasha Jeep Grand Cheroke.

2.YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (fav ice cream flavor, favorite cookie) Cookies and Cream Choc Chip

3. YOUR "FLY Guy/Girl" NAME: (first initial of first name, first three letters of your last name) N Tay

4. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color, favorite animal)Navy Blue Dog

5. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, city where you were born)Sue Bay City

6. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first)Tay Na

7. SUPERHERO NAME: (2nd favorite color, favorite drink put "The")Pink The Diet Coke

8. NASCAR NAME: (the first names of your grandfathers)Adam Stanley

9. STRIPPER NAME: ( the name of your favorite perfume/cologne, favorite candy)Beautiful Sweetarts

10.WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (mother's & father's middle names )Marie Joseph

Okay I know tag Jayne, Rita and Jeanne.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

It is almost the weekend

Not that I'm looking forward to the weekend, I have to work the entire weekend. But then I took Monday and Tuesday off. I hope the the weather still stays nice for a few more weeks, but the humidity can drop anytime now.

This has been a rough, crappy depressing work week. Sales have been down, having to terminate girls for stupid reasons (duh do you know you can not smoke pot out your backroom door) Pleeease you can not smoke pot anywhere.
This girl is quite poor, (but not poor enough to buy pot) lives paycheck to paycheck, has a child, does not have very nice clothes, no one to help her and we give her a job and she blows it. STUPID.
And because all of the slow sales and stupid things some of my girls did, I missed my trip. Yep it is the first time in 9 years that I will not be on the company trip. Instead I will be working. UGH. But life goes on.
And since I went to help out another district I can not seem to get caught up and have to bring work home every night for about a week to get where I should be.
On another note....
Still thinking about a birthday present for Jayne. What do you get someone who has everything she wants, and is the hardest person to buy for. HELP!
I just don't want to buy a bunch of over the hill items that will just sit around the house, I like to buy what people like or need.
Enough rambling from to do some work

Monday, September 3, 2007

Labor Day

Hummm what is your meaning of Labor Day? (Yes I actually know the meaning) But I have my own thoughts today. Today Labor Day means doing nothing that involves Labor LOL. So I'm just going to enjoy this day by sitting in the backyard reading, maybe toss something on the grill and just chill.
I do not plan on leaving the house today. I love those days where you do not have to go anywhere.
On another note....Lucky has been so sad since Barq's went camping, he is so lost. I told DH I think he is sick, but then we got his ball out and he enjoyed it for a bit. He loves his ball. But while in the house he looks so sad. He misses his buddy.
Also I need to get my thinking cap on. You all know I have a sister, well she turns the BIG 50 on the 17th. So I have to do something wild and crazy, and if you all have any ideas you can email them to me. I'm sure she peeks at my blog, so they can not be posted here.
Darn the summer is ending but fall is just around the corner. Love summer but I hate when it is so darn hot, that you sit your but in the ac, but I love the smells and the crispness of fall.
Enough gabbing from me - hope everyone has a great Labor Day and be safe.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

It is the weekend!

This weekend I will be just hanging at home and doing a few errands, some shopping and a few fun things. I probably won't get know scrapping done since DH and I don't spend much time off together. I'm not bummed but just need to have some things to do so we are not just not sitting around. When I have a holiday weekend off I usually do not scrap unless it is a rainy one.

We need to close the pool, we probably will get rid of it next year. We just don't use it enough since we are older. The nieces and nephews all used it but now some moved farther away and of course they are getting older and doing their own thing.

After a tiring few days, today is a nice happy day, no aches or pains and the weather is perfect. Man I feel good today don't know why I just feel happy.
Could it be the weather? Haven't seen a ton of really bad news lately? Work is moving along? Well I'll just be happy and leave it at that!!

I hope everyone has a super day and enjoy the weekend.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Well Well

Man this week has just flown by, I haven't had no me time! It has so busy at work so tonight I'm taking some time to catch up at my favorite places to visit.
And I must watch Big Brother tonight.
I have a long weekend cause of the holiday. I do have to work tomorrow but I will be out by 1....yeah.

So do you all have some great plans this weekend. So far I'm playing it by ear. I'm sure DH and I will find some fun things to do. I really do want to go see hairspray and maybe hit the Ren festival.
Don't forget to hang your flag. Our flag is out for Memorial Day, 4th of July and Labor Day and I should say it has been out a lot more since 911.
Hope everyone has a nice safe weekend. Enjoy it, seems like after Labor Day the summer is gone.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Seasons and Sunday

Well today it is just beautiful out, nice, sunny, no rain and low humidity. It was wicked around here the last few day, way too many thunderstorms. A town near us was hit by a tornado and they may not have power for 5 days. I feel so bad for them. One of my managers lost both vehicles and had quite a bit a damage to her house. They are ID'ing anyone who wants to leave or go into the city, they don't want people just lurking around. Lots of Hugs to them.

What is your favorite season? I can not pick just one , I like each one for different reasons. I love fall with all the changes and the smells. Like to put on that favorite sweatshirt you haven't worn in a while. Spring is so nice when you can get all the planting done and seeing all the flowers pop up. Summer I like if it is not to hot, but I love to be comfy in shorts and not having to so many layers. Winter love the snow hate the ice but then again I hate when the snow gets dirty and looks yucky.

I can say I feel much better and my aches and pains are gone! Now I just must follow my WW again 100%. I hate when I get off track, it shows Grrrr
Lately I have been in a scrappy mood, so I think I will be doing a layout or two today.

This week will be a busy one, our company bought out another small company and myself with 10 of my managers are all going to another district to help open 2 of the stores we bought and make them Sally stores. So we will reset the entire store and put up about 800 boxes of shipment. And did I say we volunteered LOL.

Enough rambling today - have a super day everyone!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Tears Thursday

Are you a crier? When someone else cries I cry, I'm not much of a crier but I do cry at happy things like weddings, sweet things and yes sad things, just not often. But today I feel like a good cry but for no reason. Work is good, home is good so its just a weird feeling. WHY????
Maybe is just all the sad news with animal cruelty, floods everywhere, heat everywhere and shootings in our town are terrible lately. Also a 12 yr old girl riding her horse was hit by a drunk driver who left the scene. Its been a month and he has not been charged. WHY???? She was killed. I can not imagine loosing a child.
Well enough sobbing for me. Tomorrow will be a much better thought. I'm off to make my list for tomorrow and I get to see my friend Shirley.
I worked with Shirley for years, she is 80years old and her kids and grandkids never visit or help her out. So tomorrow is our dinner day. She always makes me laugh. She is quite loud for a 4'10 80 pound lady. LOL
Have a super night.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

What a Wednesday

Today was a stressful day at work, my manager worked her butt off trying to get this school account and she finally got it after 4 months of trying! At first they said yes and so we order enough items for about 200 kits at a few hundred bucks each, so the backroom is packed. Well today they changed their mind and after a bunch a back and forth conversations they got them. YEAH!!!
Now tonight I have to some how type out an invoice for them, (long story but we can not give them a receipt rung thru the register)
But I'm glad the talk is over, now we just have to pack them all.

Also our news is filled with so much animal cruelty, what the heck are these people thinking, if you don't want a pet it is simple JUST DON'T GET ONE, of you don't like pets DON'T HURT SOMEONE ELSE'S PET. There have been dog fights, cats put into freezers and dogs shot. It is so sad, I have a fur baby and he is just like a kid to me. And I'm so mad at one of our neighbors that has a lady that visits every few weeks and spends the night, she leaves her dogs in her van all day and night. Next time I see this I'm making a call.

On a happy note I'm alive and well and actually had a pretty good day.
Off for now have a great night.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Rainy Monday

Today was cold and rainy, we needed the rain but it can stop now. Don't you hate going back to work after a week off. Man I tried to play catch up today but it didn't work. But worked my behind off doing other things.
I did do a bit of creating yesterday, finished my ATC cards, hope the girls like them. Now I need to organize and somehow figure a way to get all my chipboard they way I want/need it.
Other than that I'm pretty boring today. So I'm off.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Rainy Day Sunday

Yesterday was a bit of a lazy day, today I hope to get more done. Today is the last day of my vacation and need to use this day wisely, and get a couple of things done.
Dh may go out shopping and use his birthday gc's and that will give me some me time. I was bumming for him (he says no big deal) but no one from is side of the family sent him a birthday card or even called him. His sister did call and ask him to go let her dog out but didn't say anything, she must have forgotten. Geez he has a friend in Australia that he chats with and he even called to say Happy Birthday. So weird how everyone is different. I try to remember to send everyone on both sides a card by email, postal or even a telephone call. But that is just me.
Which now reminds me....I have been one of those persons who never said NO. Whoever or whatever it was I always said yes and helped out. Not no more, it was too hard to please everyone all the time. I now say sorry I can't! Sometimes I feel guilty, but have you ever noticed when you needed something you don't get the help!
Off to to some me things.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Thankful Friday

The news has been so sad with the miners still trapped, 3 rescuers passed way trying to get the trapped miners out, children missing all over the US and in our city too many shootings. So I just want to say that I'm THANKFUL that I'm happy, alive and in good health. I have a great family, good friends and scrap supplies!
So take a minute today and be thankful for something. One thing on my list to do is to get some canned goods and take them to the STUFF A BUS. Our city is collecting food for the homeless and they are way behind last years donations, so its time to chip in.
Life can have many twist, be thankful today don't wait until tomorrow.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Another beautiful day

I will say this week we had very nice weather, sometimes a bit muggy but the sun has been shinning. Last night was crappy not warm enough for air so we slept (or at least Randy slept) with the ceiling fan. but after it is on for a while it makes a noise and it blows over my side and he likes it turned up. So today I'm tired and stiff but I just couldn't lay there anymore.
I believe dh and I will be taking a short drive to a casino, we don't gamble but $20.00 LOL once that is gone so are we. We want to take a short drive and since we have gone north so much we want to do something fun. With his MS we are limited to things he can do. So no long walks, can not be in the heat and nothing that will wear him out.
And still not enough birthday shopping done...Yikes.
Toodles....have a nice day.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Yeah, I finally did a layout yesterday and I did one today. Finally getting some mojo now I just have to keep it up. Dh's birthday is Friday and he is the hardest person to buy for. What do you get a guy who wears nothing but T-shirts and jeans. He needs no clothes, nothing for his truck, no fishing gear and he only plays his play station (yes I have an over grown child) and watches movies. Yes I can get him more games, but this is what he always gets. So on goes the thinking cap.
Today was a pretty productive day, besides scrapping the house got swept, vaccumed and floors mopped. Dogs went to the groomers and they came back smelling great and looking cute.
Off to read some boards and flip some channels.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


I'm such a list maker, am I alone or does everyone else do this? I make a list almost every day and everything goes on my list even things I know that must get done. Such as laundry, wash car, clean scrap table and iron. I love the feeling when I get to cross something off that list. Crazy huh?
Well since I did so many things on my list yesterday, today will be more of a me day.
Right now I'm just checking blogs, boards and eyeing all the scrap goodies on QVC. I need a cutting machine I have none. Someday one will be in my scrappy room, its just too hard to decide on which one. I'm afraid if I buy one now a better one will come out. AGAIN!
Also everyone needs to hug someone today! Since my niece's wedding on Saturday I realized I come from a family that is big on hugging. I can not even count on how many hugs I received, and how nice it felt.
Have a very nice day.

Monday, August 13, 2007

ahhhhhh Vacation week

I'm on vacation this week and plan to finally scrap! I did quite a bit of running this morning and got some great deals on baskets. Love a good sale.
I have my list made up for the week and hope to get lots of things done along with some fun time.

Monday, August 6, 2007

What a Monday

Lets just say I'm glad it is over. Today work was a little stressfull, having to deal with employees fighting, customers arguing and kids running out of control and opening bottles of color and dumping them on the floor. YIKES!

So I took this blog plunge, don't know how well I will do, but will try to update often.