Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Where do I start?

It has been a long few weeks and I have been a bad blogger.

To sum it up with foot notes:

Had the VP traveling with me
Barq's has been having seizures and he is on crappy meds that make him loopy
Had to fire and rehire a crappy employee----long long story but she needs to go away
Having to reset some stores
My laptop is going crazy
I ordered a new laptop
I need a hair cut
Did my ATC's


and big brother has started!!!

other than that not much else to say


Jeanne said...

Gak! Sounds pretty stressful. Hope things lighten up for you Nancy.

Rita said...

Lots of craziness for you right now! Hang in there girly!

Mary Jo said...

Yikes! Well, at least you have Big Brother to look forward to :0)

Shalini said...

Hope things are settling down for you...

DawnW said...

Hugs to Jayne and Barq's...and I hope things settle down a bit for you so you can enjoy summer a little.