Thursday, November 13, 2008

Okay I'm admiting that I watch soaps.

DO YOU????? My favorite is Young and the Restless. But now and then I will catch up on One Life to Live and General Hospital. When I was quite young my cousin Mary use to babysit us while my parents worked. She was an avid soap watcher and most of the time had us watch them with her. So I got hooked.

The reason I chose to blog about this is because out cable company decide to change our line up and now I can no longer get the soaps in our bedroom. You see I went to bed and relaxed and flipped channels and watched soaps since I never get to see them during the day, so I rely on the soap net nightly channel. NOW I can not get them on the bedroom TV anymore because it is not digital.

GRRRRR....guess I have to read the online previews to get my fix. LOL


Rita said...

I have been known to watch "Days of Our Lives" off and on since I was a senior in high school. I turn it on four or five times a year just to see what's going on. It's usually pretty easy to catch up on everyone -- even if I haven't watched in MONTHS! LOL

Jeanne said...

I've lost track of the soaps with my work schedule bu Y & R was my favorite from the day it started. Victor and Nicki, the Abotts, Kaye Chancellor, etc. Can't get Soap Net with our package or I'd probably still be watching.