Sunday, October 21, 2007

Gosh where have I been???

Work has me running in circles, Meetings, New Store opens Monday, Business Trip to Texas, Inventories and now to get all the Christmas displays up! That is why I have been such a bad blogger. The beginning of November everything should be in place and I can take it easy.

Wow today is was in the upper 70's, what a beautiful day to be outside. And I was, we took a ride to take some fall photos, stopped for lunch and then went to get me a pumpkin! Yes I got me a pumpkin, I love Halloween and I will be carving my pumpkin. I guess it is the kid in me. I usually go for the nice round pumpkin but today it was time for a change. I bought me a tall pumpkin. Now I just need to decide on what type of face it needs.

When I went to my crop a few weeks ago I actually created. I did 50 Christmas Cards! Now just need to do a couple more and then I will be actually doing some layouts. I'm so far behind. But then again if I was caught up I would have nothing to work on.

So all you lurkers, leave me a comment and let me know what is going on is your world! Creating? Planning the holidays?

Have a super week.


Christi said...

Wow! Look at you so on the ball--wanna do my Christmas cards now??? :) You have been busy my friend, but I don't think that anyone is too old to carve a pumpkin. Everyone needs to dig into a little bit of pumpkin slime this time of the year to make the holiday complete. Besides, there is nothing better than a jack-o-lantern on Halloween night! smiles...

Carolyn said...

About time you updated.. LOL

I know you have been busy, and it happens to all of us. Hopefully things will start being a bit less hectic for you soon.

I say if you want to carve a pumpkin. Go for It! You can never be too old, but if you are like me, and I see your not, you get the dh to do it. LOL

Picture This said...

Hey, you got your Christmas cards done...that's pretty good....I am "thinking" about them, and that is as far as I have gotten.

go for the pumpkin carving...I do it, my kids don't even like to see the inside of a pumpkin.


Rita said...

Good to see you posting! I have been behind on reading blogs though, so I guess it's good you've been busy -- I don't have as much catching up to do! hee hee

You have been very busy -- be sure to post a picture of your pumpkin for us! And by the way -- I tagged you, but I believe Jayne did as well!

Jeanne said...

I can't believe it's almost the end of the month. Work has been in our busy season too and consumes way to much time. Here's to some relaxation!