Tuesday, August 14, 2007


I'm such a list maker, am I alone or does everyone else do this? I make a list almost every day and everything goes on my list even things I know that must get done. Such as laundry, wash car, clean scrap table and iron. I love the feeling when I get to cross something off that list. Crazy huh?
Well since I did so many things on my list yesterday, today will be more of a me day.
Right now I'm just checking blogs, boards and eyeing all the scrap goodies on QVC. I need a cutting machine I have none. Someday one will be in my scrappy room, its just too hard to decide on which one. I'm afraid if I buy one now a better one will come out. AGAIN!
Also everyone needs to hug someone today! Since my niece's wedding on Saturday I realized I come from a family that is big on hugging. I can not even count on how many hugs I received, and how nice it felt.
Have a very nice day.


Sharon said...

Hi Nancy! First of all heres your hug {{{{{Nancy}}}}!
I always wanted to be a list maker, I think it would simplify my life. My BFF has always made list and I admired her for it. She says the same thing how great it feels to cross things off and you can see what you have accomplished.
Good for you!
If I do make a list I usually lose it!

Picture This said...


I like lists because i forget to do stuff if I don;t write it down...unfortunately, I also forget to make the list (or worse, where I put it)

Have a super vacation


Jeanne said...

Okay {{{{{{HUGS}}}}} you can be my second hug of the day. I'm not a listmaker but Matt is. He's like you and puts everything on it even things that seem no brainers to me. Hey whatever works for ya.